There are many ways that you can secure your home in case of a major seismic event. A few of those ways include house bolting, foundation repair and hillside stabilization. Weinstein Construction has experts that are able to help you not only diagnose any problems or weaknesses you may have in your home but also fix them to give you the peace of mind you deserve.
For your convenience we have created a printable page of a diagram that displays all ways to strengthen your home or building for the next Big One. Preparation and planning are key to being able to not only survive a major earthquake but protect your home and belongings as well. There are many things that you can do around your home for preparation including securing and bracing many of your major appliances and electronics. You’ll need to contact an expert to help with foundation repair or seismic retrofitting.
Following these suggestions will help you and your family prepare for an earthquake. It’s important to protect not just the people in your home but your home and belongings as well. The more you do to plan and prepare, the better off you will be after a major earthquake.
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